Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Using Scrapbook Products for Inspiration

I'm taking an on-line class at Creative Passions called "Finding Your Inspiration Station." In lesson three there was a discussion on using Products for inspiration. I didn't think I ever used products for my inspiration but then I realized that's exactly what I'd done for the cards I'd made for the ladies of my TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter. Easter was coming and I wanted to make some quick cards for them. So, while on a shopping trip to the new Walmart in Santa Fe, I found blank note cards with a cute little bunny sitting in a watering can and the word "Hello" on it. Then, in the craft section, I found a package with four different colored foam alphabet stickers and in the greeting card section I found a package of flower-and-flying-bugs (butterflies and dragonflies) stickers. On another trip I added ribbons from Michael's.
I decorated the inside of the cards instead of the outside like I'd normally do. I used small dixie cups to form the circle around the stickers and serve as a guide for the letters. I used a glue runner to lay down the glue for a single strip of ribbon on the bottom. Once I had the stickers and letters stuck down, I erased the guides. Aside from sorting the letters I'd need, it took about 20 minutes per card to make.
Scrap Supplies used - Papers are by Amy Teets; fancy swirls are Photoshop Brushes by BSilva


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